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For several years now, Mindy and I have had The Discarded Image as our home for exploring new ideas and literature publicly. We’ve always done this within the context of C.S. Lewis’s metaphor. For Lewis, old worldviews, or “images,” are discarded when they collapse under the weight of new information. With some irony, our public pursuit of a better understanding of the world and the constant discarding of old ideas has also led us to discard The Discarded Image.

We’ve loved writing at the blog, but we felt we needed a place that no longer focused on what we had been—circumscribed by the limits of our former backgrounds—but one that looked forward to what we could become. A place to celebrate human curiosity broadly and demonstrate that inquisitiveness in action.

(For more on my transition to secular humanism, see my recent articles at the Chronicle of Higher Education and The Guardian.)

Our new home, The Curious Ape, is our next chapter, and we welcome other curious apes.

We thank everyone for faithfully reading The Discarded Image. We will keep our archives active. But if you’ve enjoyed that blog, know that you may also enjoy The Curious Ape. To learn more, read our post “Introducing The Curious Ape.”

Please follow us over there at We can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube.